Wednesday, March 5, 2008

# 1 Princess Chloe

We call Chloe our Princess because, well... she's a princess! She gets fed first, gets the most treats, gets cuddles whenever and wherever she wants them, and is the ONLY one allowed to sleep in bed with Mom and Dad. She is also the ruler of the roost and keeper of the house. Everything brought into and taken out of the house must be inspected and properly marked. Nothing goes on without her knowledge.

As Princess of the zoo, it is also her duty and her right to rule over the other members. Here she is keeping watch over Pumpkin...

...keeping her eye on Henry...

...and making sure Patch stays in line...

...all in a day's work...

Chloe is also the oldest member of the zoo, turning 9 years old this summer...but she doesn't look a day over 5!

As the intrepid explorer of the house, there isn't a spot unknown, or unexplored by the cat. Like this kitchen cabinet for example...

Why sit in an open kitchen cabinet? Because it's there.

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