So Merlin had some green goobers coming out of his eyes last week that didn't look normal to me, so I took him to the vet. We love our vet and have already been through a lot with her, and it was great to see her under happy circumstances for once. This was the first time she's seen the kittens and was super happy for us. She looked Merlin over and then gave Arthur a quick look then looked at me and said, what did you say they were again? Confused, I answered they are both boys. She picked up Arthur and said, yes definitely a boy. Then she picked up Merlin again and said Nope! She's a girl!
We all had a good laugh and decided she needed a new name! So, introducing, once again...

It surprised me, but Arthur and Guinevere are already so bonded. They play together constantly, snuggle up together, drink Henry's water together... so cute! They have settled right in and become a part of the family.
Awww. Glad to hear they're doing well. Growing up fast, too. Better get the s/n done ASAP though! Unless you WANT 8 kitties...
Well you know - that Merlin! No one ever knew for sure!
You know, one would think it would be pretty obvious with cats but I have a friend who had the same situation. For years she thought her big orange cat was a boy, but as it turns out, it was a girl!
Oopsy! Oh well! My sister thought her new bunny was a girl, never trust what the pet store employee tells you!
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