Pumpkin: "Mother, I'm not very happy with the level of bunny-to-cat blogging that's been going on lately. Way too much cat, not enough bun."
Me: "I'm very sorry, Pumpkin. I'll try to correct the balance."
Pumpkin: "You better. Now go fetch me some Craisins and make it snappy."
Me: "Yes, dear."
To all you bunny bloggers out there - what kind of litter do you use in your bunny's litter boxes? I've been using Carefresh for years, but just tried Oxbow's Eco-Straw Litter. It's ok, but I was wondering what other people use and what they think about it.
You tell 'em Pumpkin!
I use wood stove pellets in Sage's litterbox. They're also called feline pine or equine pine. You can pick up a 40lb bag at a feed store .. or home depot when in season .. for about $5. They last Sage about six months.
They're great for absorbing ammonia smell and easy to clean up.
I have been using white aspen wood shavings, but I might switch to the pine stuff Lorna recommended since white aspen does not cover the odor!
We use Cat Country
Any kind of wood shavings I understand to be potentially toxic. Like you for years I used Carefresh and then switched to Ecostraw. Right now I use a thin layer of Ecostraw and then some hay (I buy half a bale at a time), I keep putting a little more hay on top for a few days, then the whole thing goes into the garden or the compost. The Ecostraw absorbs the pee and the hay keeps everything smelliing like, well, hay....
Crown Animal Bedding - made from recycled paper - comes in 40 lb bags. No smell, absorbs well, toss it in the compost when done (or use as a plant mulch.)
I was just using newspaper for awhile, but it just wasn't absorbing enough. I used to use carefresh but it just gets kicked around way too much. anything compressed paper is good stuff. I've been getting Yesterday's News.
I read the same thing about wood litters:
I live in Sweden and we use something called "toalätt". It´s pellets made from recykled paper. It absorbes and does not smell bad.
For years I have just been shredding newspaper to put in under the hay. I got rabbits when I was a student and couldn't justify the cost of any type of litter (I get free papers on the street). Since it is shredded it absorbs well (vs. just a flat layer). Probably not the same smell control as other stuff, but that is just my sign to change it!
I use bamboo.
We are the same Road Bunner... I also use old newspapers and hay on the rabbit hutch to absorb dirt and all. That way I am saving money for their food and any thing more important. I think controlling odor really needs regular cleaning or the rabbit cage or hutch.
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