Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Won't you be my neighbor?

Our fenced backyard borders two other fenced yards that are both occupied by dogs. My favorite of the two dogs is a black lab mix named Bruno. I don't know why, but Henry was terrified of him for the longest time and then one day, he decided hey! he's not so bad! and from then on, they were friends.

I have to admit, one of the reasons I love Bruno so much is because I have inadvertently trained him over the past year or so, and he is oh so consistent. Whenever I'm out in the yard with Henry, Bruno comes up to the fence, sits, and waits for me. I bring some of Henry's treats and we walk down to the fence together, Bruno jumps up, puts his two front paws on the top of the fence, reaches his head over and I feed him. He is so gentle, slowly taking the treats out of my fingers with the tips of his teeth... unlike Henry who practically swallows your hand whole any time you have food in it. If I take too long getting to the fence with his treats now he lets me know with a bark and a tail wag.


d. moll, said...

I do just want to give him a little treat!

Anonymous said...

What a handsome doggie Bruno is! Of course, so is Henry ;) Good that they're fast friends now! Do they get to visit with each other?

RG said...

Ummm ... yeah .... Who trained and WHO got trained????

Anonymous said...

i can understand your pup being afraid of a dog named Bruno!!! that's cool that he's attached to you and glad Henry is friends now with him!