Sunday, May 18, 2008

15 miles on the Erie Canal...

Ok, I'm going to be honest with you. I hate boats. I don't know why, it's just my thing, let it go. So when we got invited to go on a dinner cruise on the Erie Canal, I looked at A and said you're got to be kidding me. But I'm a good, dutiful wife (*cough*), so I grinned and played along. And bitched the whole time... of course.

Part of the tour is that they take you into a lock, and you go up in it, and they tell you all about how it works and blah, blah, blah. I was freaking out the whole time. First of all, they pull the boat into the lock and you can't even see out the top. And then! These MASSIVE doors close and you feel the claustrophobia setting in. And then! The water starts to bubble up from under you and the boat starts to rise. And then! The boat BANGS against the sides of the lock and makes this awful sound and it feels like an earthquake.

Ok, I realize I'm being dramatic, but I was wigging out here people. But the whole time I smiled and pretend I was interested in the "history" and the amazing "technology" at work. Whatever. I just wanted to eat my dinner and get off the boat!

So then, you finally get to the top and the doors start to open, and the panic starts to subside, and then it dawns on me...

We have to go back down the lock to get back to where we started.

In my mind... many, many four letter words were shouted.

(All photo credit for this post goes to A. I was not in the right frame of mind to be taking pictures at that exact moment.)

1 comment:

RG said...

"Low bridge, everybody down ..." tra la la ...

We once had a sailboat and had to come in thru the locks from Puget Sound into Lake Washington .. a huge rise. The guy tossed one end of the rope down to Bunny Lady. She asked what to do with it. "Tie one end of your rope to it" he said. "How?" she said. "Like you tie your shoe" he said. She did and he pulled it up. Then he tossed it back down. "Tie the OTHER end of your rope to your boat!" he said!